Six Suspects

Swarup, Vikas

  11 Reviews

The son of a politician is shot dead at a party where he is celebrating his own acquittal from a murder charge. Enter a journalist determined to find the killer. With the options narrowed down to the 'six suspects' who were present at the party all toting guns, Arun Advan investigates their lives and possible motivations and in the process exposes the disparities and complexities of the society they live in. With its vivid characters and captivating plot, this classic whodunnit has the added attraction of also presenting a social commentary of contemporary India. [Big read, larger font]

Comments from Groups

Delightful, funny, a good yarn. Dunedin 021

Half enjoyed the story and thought the background was a fair reflection of the colourful and crazy life of India. The other half found the array of characters confusing. Pukekohe 001

We all liked this cleverly written book providing an insight into the smells, colours, the poor, the rich, the downtrodden and the rotten politics and caste system of India. Each chapter a new story and the pieces put together to complete the mystery. "Typically Bollywood". Tauranga 009

Good discussion, mixed opinions. Unexpectedly funny at times. Devilishly clever ending. New Plymouth 013



There were varied opinions about this book. Some found it compulsive reading, others were put off at the start and didn't even get into it at all. We enjoyed the clever plot and got fond of some of the characters - the humour was delightful.
NAP 021
Like some other groups, generally our Group found it difficult to remember the names of the characters and all said you needed to read it continuously to keep in touch with the plots. About 1/2 the members finished, with the other half dropping off along the way. Those who did complete reading the book all said that the ending was extremely clever with no one guessing the ending. A clever book if you persevered.
WELL 018
The book requires uninterrupted reading sessions to maintain your understanding of plot and your memory of characters. Most of us only read in short stints, so that was a frustration. Colourful and unbelievable! It portrayed well a society where "anything and everything goes", and the disparity of wealth and poverty and the trials of living in India.
NAP 020
A challenging read. The chapters on each person were too long, which meant you lost the thread of the story. Very good ending which justified reading the book. Very good discussion.
AUCK 300
We all enjoyed the book as a light but entertaining read.
CHCH 010
A lively discussion with this book. Set in India, this was a rollicking read with serious political and social comments.
Really enjoyed by all. A little difficult initially to get the characters to meld. Very cleverly written.
AUCK 273
An easy, fun read and a vivid portrayal of India, which is a bright and vibrant country with underlying corruption and violence.
Those of us who finished the book found it enjoyable and humorous. It was so descriptive of different areas of India, and six great stories were knitted together over a true and life-like incident.
A mixed reaction to this book. Those who finished it were generally enthusiastic - it was clever(perhaps too clever) and very long. It was best read in a leisurely way with time to reflect, but sometimes we felt it did not justify the time required.
The few who read it found it enjoyable but light. Many found they couldn't get into it. The perspective of the writer changes in the different chapters which may have been off putting to some.