
Stead, C.K.

  0 Reviews

A fictional account of three years in the life of Katherine Mansfield, from 1915 to 1918, against the backdrop of WWI. It explores her loves and desire to write the "new kind of fiction". Friendships with TS Eliot, Bertrand Russell, DH Lawrence and others are portrayed, as well as her erratic relationship with John Middleton-Murray. NZ Interest.

Comments from Groups

We found this pacey, insightful novel thoroughly enjoyable, and it provoked lots of discussion about Katherine Mansfield and her contemporaries. Wellington 116

Everyone enjoyed this book and thought it was well written. Several members found Katherine Mansfield's self-centred and self-indulgent personality (as described by Stead) a bit hard to stomach. We had a very interesting discussion about Mansfield and TB. Napier 011

There were mixed reactions to this book - some members liked the fictionalised biography style, and others didn't. It made for a very lively discussion! Dunedin 058

Though a fictional biograhy, we felt the events depicted seemed appropriate re our own impressions of Katherine Mansfield, the person. We found the writing good and the detailed descriptions lively. The war scenes/descriptions were often horrifying, and very 'alive'. Taupo 005

A stunning portrait of an author whose stories, especially those about growing up in NZ, hold such resonance for New Zealanders...Katikati 001



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