Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Funder, Anna
House of Doors, The
Tan, Twang Eng
Blackout Book Club, The
Green, Amy Lynn
Laughing at the Dark
Else, Barbara
Orwell's Roses
Solnit, Rebecca
Fortunate Woman, A
Morland, Polly
These Precious Days
Patchett, Ann
Velveteen Daughter, The
Huber, Laurel Davis
Bridge of Clay
Zusak, Markus
Jane Austen Project, The
Flynn, Kathleen A
My Father's Island
Dudding, Adam
Writers' Festival, The
Johnson, Stephanie
Secret Chord, The
Brooks, Geraldine
Gap of Time, The
Winterson, Jeanette
After Such Kindness
Arnold, Gaynor
Nelly Dean
Case, Alison
Unnecessary Woman, An
Alameddine, Rabih
Ammonites & Leaping Fish
Lively, Penelope
Fair Rosaline
Solomons, Natasha