Stead, C.K.When Auckland lawyer Sam Nola arrives in London in 2002, the world is his oyster. Working for a merchant bank his financial future seems assured, a daughter from a youthful liaison makes contact, all in all, life is looking pretty rosy. That is, until subprime mortgages rear their ugly heads and things start hotting up in Iraq.
An absorbing read portraying the dishonesty and excesses at work in the world of international finance and politics in a turbulent decade. [Larger font]
Comments from Groups
A very good discussion.Concensus was an enjoyable read with great descriptive passages. Downside was that it tended to leave readers muddled. Christchurch 116 While we all enjoyed the book and Stead's prose some of our group felt that it finished in rather a rush while others argued that life doesn't tie ends up neatly. Auckland 088 A good discussion. It was well named. Enjoyed by some, others felt good for discussion but too masculine. Auckland 318
Everyone enjoyed the descriptive writing and many of us recognised parts of England and France from our own O.E. However, it was felt that the book did not engage with plot or characterisation and that it was largely a vehicle for Stead's strong political and moral views.
Mixed response. Too many story threads. Well-written but not gripping.
Mixed reactions but most enjoyed this book. Some loved the author's literary skills.
Although the clarity of the writing was appreciated, many felt that too many themes were covered with a "once over lightly" touch, and that the ending was particularly contrived.
All agreed it was an enjoyable read but were divided on whether it was a clever, concise portrait of those years or just a collection of incidents to fit around the story.
We found it a very pleasing read especially because of C.K. Stead's writing style.
We all enjoyed this book with its descriptions of place and insights into the events surrounding the machinations of global finance and the events surrounding the 'weapons of mass destruction' debacle. Telling the story through Sam's eyes gave a personal glimpse of one of the people caught up in the financial whirlwind. We think C.K. Stead's excellent writing brought the story to life...
Our discussion was excellent. There were only 6 of us at the round table, and we discussed the topical issues brought up in this novel in depth. Although none of us raved about the book we thought C.K. Stead managed to explore some interesting themes - leaving us to come to our own conclusions.
A pleasant read, most of the group enjoyed the book.
This book led to wide ranging discussions of underlying world issues, which weren't always apparent during the reader's first reading of the novel.