Brain That Changes Itself, The

Doidge, Norman

  15 Reviews

An astonishing new scientific discovery called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the adult human brain is fixed and unchanging. It is, instead, able to change its own structure and function, even into old age. Using personal stories from the heart of this neuroplasticity, Dr Doidge has written an immensely moving, inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential. [Taken from book blurb.]

Comments from Groups

An amazing book - the case studies gave us real encouragement to pursue new interests. Coromandel 00

Terrific discussion. Most of us are over 80 and resolved to start brain exercising before it's too late. A really interesting book. Hamilton 007

Such an enlightening and enthralling read. Everybody had a connection to this book. We applied the theories to education, music, health and everyday living. Leigh 001

Provoked plenty of discussion regarding the many areas of brain damage covered in the book, plus the veracity of the research. Wellington 005

Not a book to go to bed and read. You needed to concentrate. Fascinating. Thoroughly enjoyed by the group. Auckland 050

A great read. We all learned a lot & so we had a good discussion. Most of us intend to buy the book as a reference book. Wellington 130

The group loved the book and thought it was up-to-date, educational, well written.The discussion was lively and personal connections to the content of the book were made. Everyone should read it. Christchurch 095



OMAR 001
Interesting book but quite difficult to get into in the beginning, but good once you got into it.
FERN 001
Generated more discussion than expected. Book cover is not 'inviting' but most enjoyed the book. Small print was difficult.
TAUR 018
We enjoyed the individual case studies. Our scientist member found it really interesting, while others found the scientific language a challenge. Very interesting to think about modifications of the brain to improve life quality. One member said she found it a 'hopeful' read.
AUCK 280
Members found that this was not a book to read from cover to cover. Nevertheless they did find some chapters extremely interesting.
This book was well received by our group generally, some members didn't read it past the first few pages, but most read it all, two members decided to buy their own copies and one shared some Google links of brain exercises mentioned in the book - that they had already started to do daily. The group has a lot of teachers as members so this may have been why the group had such a lively discussion of the actual book, rather than the questions, and many people related stories of family members and students met and worked with who would benefit from or had benefited from some of the findings.
Everyone enjoyed it.
CHCH 488
We mostly said we liked this book, but hardly any of us managed to read it all. We all expressed a firm resolve to keep exercising our brains so we stay sharp as we age.
What a great book for people who have family members afflicted by strokes. I have a very personal connection to this book because (SPOILER: Don't Try This At Home) just after finishing it, I had a stroke! Having always had a dread of strokes I found myself strangely optimistic simply because I had just finished this book. I found that I wasn't looking through my dread filled eyes, instead I was looking at my stroke as a transitional phase until my brain had sorted something out. I'd recommend anyone read this book because it is informative on so many levels.
GISB 003
Everyone found this book really interesting, some exceptionally so. We had tended to focus on chapters that reflected our experiences or family illnesses. It was particularly enlightening for a group of older people (as we are) trying to keep our brains in shape.
Fascinating - a new (for most) and inspiring view of the brain and its possibilities.
CART 003
This is a book most of us would probably never have read if not in the book club, so thank you! Most of us loved it, and found it quite challenging, very informative and inspirational. Most of us took away information that we will apply to our own lives and circumstances - it changed us and our knowledge about ourselves. A great choice.
This was one of the few books we ALL thought was very worthwhile - full of interesting and significant details about relevant science of the brain. Extremely well written - a real hit.
NAP 029
This book got our members' interest, especially as we have several doctors in our group!!! As this book was written a while ago, many of the ideas have become common practice. We had a good lively discussion of this book.
CHCH 353
Only one member of the group had read 'The Brain that Changes Itself'. She presented a very enthusiastic account of the book, and a lively discussion followed. The rest of the group will now find time to read it! A very important book about how the brain can heal itself.
CHCH 240
A mixed reaction from the group. Some found it "too technical" whereas those who read it from beginning to end found it fascinating and interesting. It shows how complicated the brain is, nothing is static, it is changing all the time, and how little we still know about it. It reinforced the theory of personal illnesses for some. A good read, much like a reference book, with fascinating case studies that turned the book into a thought-provoking read rather than a medical reference book. Absolutely fascinating to some. An intriguing book that you can't "love" but appreciate.