Breaking and Mending

Cannon, Joanna

  23 Reviews

Now a bestselling author of fiction, Joanna Cannon was once a junior doctor working for the NHS in Britain. In this short but powerful account of her experiences as an intern, she shares the traumas and triumphs of dealing with patients and staff, finally finding her place in psychiatry.

Encapsulated by its subtitle 'a junior doctor's stories of compassion & burnout', it is a deeply moving and insightful memoir that exposes what happens when we fail to care for those who care for us.



AUCK 224
We couldn't really rate the book properly as opinions varied wildly. All agreed that the health system left a lot to be desired, but felt that the author painted all the students/doctors in her group with the same brush. Lots of lively discussion.
MAST 013
Don't read this if you're considering becoming a doctor! One must be very dedicated, exist on little sleep, and have thick skin. Well-written and easy to read, but confronting.
AUCK 014
Everyone was moved by this powerful and very personal, brave reflection of the author's experience. Although some were not expecting it to be a 'good read', we all found the book amazingly honest, identifiable and enlightening. Somehow the author manages to turn it into a narrative even though its a kind of diary. The rating of the group reflected the compassion, honesty and readability of the book. Favourite quote: page 156 The paragraph commencing 'Mending, like breaking, can happen in the unlikeliest of places...
UPHU 007
The book was received well by everyone. Promoted a lively and interesting discussion about our health system.
CHCH 240
A mixed reaction to this book - we enjoyed reading it and spent a long discussion comparing the issues with our own health system. But we did ask the question: Why did she write it Who or what was her target audience An easy read.
We all enjoyed Joanna Cannon's story of her time as a junior doctor in the British system. We were appalled at her treatment from those doctors more experienced. We had an interesting discussion as we compared the N.Z. Health system with the U.K. one. Hopefully young doctors are treated better now, but wondered if the English class system was to blame for some of the male arrogance.
AUCK 412
A wide range of opinions, covering the whole spectrum. Whilst it was strongly acknowledged that there is absolute punishing pressure on junior medical doctors, it was also felt by some that the "story line" was a bit weak and negative.
We all found this book an easy read and it did promote a good discussion. We wondered why Cannon wrote this book, and did it have a target audience The NHS like our own health service, has serious funding funding issues, which affect staffing and conditions like long shifts, but as we were given no information on her personal life, we couldn't make a judgement on whether she could have helped herself more.Did she have unrealistic expectations of herself She clearly liked to talk to patients but do you have the time as a junior doctor, when you're there to learn and train
Those present enjoyed this book and we had a lively discussion on looking after ourselves and showing gratitude more often. The long hours, high expectations and burnout are a problem in the medical professions, but also in many other areas of society - often due to perceived societal pressures.
GORE 006
This book was excellent!
A book that we all found interesting. It could apply to the health system here in N.Z. We enjoyed the comments at the beginning of the chapters - very insightful.
ASHB 005
Very easy read but also very informative. Enjoyed by all members.
AUCK 236
This book was very interesting and approachable - an easy but great read. This book led to some great discussions!
CHCH 058
Most of this group enjoyed the book and admired the author for her commitment to medicine, though her experiences as a junior doctor in the NHS sound distressing...Some of us felt that the book was written more as a catharsis for the writer than for a wider audience. We felt it was well-written and a straightforward read, and thought its chronological structure was well thought out. One or two of us thought the writer was a little self-indulgent. Overall, a mixed reaction with more positives than negatives.
AUCK 060
Greatly enjoyed. Very relevant.
Everyone enjoyed the book and there was some interesting conversation, particularly from the ex-nurses and ex-medical members.
TAUP 012
Mixed opinions of this book. We have several nurses in our group and it brought back many memories. An easy read.
All the ex nurses loved it.
We felt there was a lot of information about the author that was missing, relevant to her story, and she made quite sweeping assumptions about the system, based on her own experience.
CHCH 333
Easy read - lots of problems arise from it, but few conclusions.
CHCH 468
Our group enjoyed the book. Disturbing, but unfortunately reality for house surgeons. Worse in the NHS than in NZ. The author made it harder for herself by getting 'emotionally involved', which she admitted to as well. One would hope the system has improved and is more supportive of young doctors. Glad the author found her 'happy place' in Psychiatry.
Really enjoyed this book, although all feeling overwhelmed at what being a doctor involves! Very well-written account.
NELS 022
More of a diary than a well planned non fiction narrative. One person thought it brought alive the lives of patients and doctors really well. Another with a medical family found it easy to relate to and moving, but not well-written. A wide breadth of marks from 1-4.