Color of Water, The [NF]

McBride, James

  12 Reviews

Only two things mattered to James McBride's charismatic mother - school and church. The true story of a parent who dared to be different by marrying a black man, founding a Baptist church, and putting twelve children through college. Memoir.

Comments from Groups

We found it fascinating and had great discussions. Loved it, highly recommend it - it shows great courage and perseverance. Auckland 065

The whole group unanimously enjoyed the book and highly recommends it to other groups. Auckland 302

Book very well received by group. Enthusiastic, loud and prolonged discussion re themes of the book. Gisborne 005

Every single member of our book club enjoyed reading this book and all admired greatly the energy and total dedication of Ruth to her family. What an amazing woman. Auckland 208

Nothing has changed - a black couple wanting to marry in their parish church in the deep south, were unable to do so - the sympathetic minister bowed to the congregation members who voiced their deep disapproval. Well worth reading. One would wish to have a wand that would, in one moment sweep all that bitterness and hatred away. Tauranga 005



AUCK 256
Everyone really enjoyed this book - a great read, well written as an autobiography. Life growing up was certainly not boring. A very determined and inspirational mother who inspired her children to do well. Certainly outlined the attitudes of Race in USA.
NAP 011
Thoroughly enjoyed by all. Fascinating women in McBride's family history. Life was never boring for him and his siblings.
CHCH 317
An inspiring story, portraying the author's own life and that of his remarkable mother. Those in our group who read it thoroughly enjoyed it. It outlined the attitudes that prevail in the USA regarding race.
Easy to read, great story about courage and fortitude and finding opportunities. Amazing woman.
CHCH 099
This was an inspirational story which impressed us all, and gave us great material for discussion- racism, religion, education, and the importance of aspiration, for everyone! The seemingly impossible can be achieved, proving to yourself and others that you can achieve your goals. Some members of the group found the re-telling a bit patchy, jumping from the mother's telling to the son's, and from the past to the present day, and also that they failed to engage with the characters, but overall it was a tale of lives to be admired, for what they had overcome in order to achieve.
TAIH 002
Everyone agreed this was a fascinating read.
Some of us loved it! Best-ever read for one! Some were confused by the his/hers story.
It generated a lot of discussion!
Excellent discussion - we all loved this book! A remarkable family with a remarkable mother. Highly recommended.
We found this an enjoyable and thought provoking book. A wide ranging discussion had on themes that wove through both stories. We can recommend this to others as a readable narrative of an extraordinary and determined woman.
NAP 024
All who read the book, found it both gripping and enthralling. The fact that the mother had twelve children and that they all excelled, was an inspiration. Plus the fact that she then decided to get a degree was truly amazing.
WANG 006
One of the most enjoyed books this year. A very well-written autobiography that appealed to all.