Hidden Life of Trees, The
Wohlleben, PeterTrees that warn their neighbours of impending insect attack using scents and sound vibrations? Trees' parents caring for their offspring? Who would have thought? Presenting the science behind the latest discoveries about trees, forester Peter Wohlleben employs humour and anthropomorphic comparisons to great effect to convey just how trees feel and communicate. Whether it is woodland etiquette, the particular challenges trees in urban streets face, or the impact of climate change, the wide-ranging information is cogently presented.
This is a well-researched and intriguing commentary of trees in all their complexity.
4-4.5. Engaging writing about complex systems made this a fascinating and thought-provoking read. It raises many questions about our approach to growing both forests and garden and park trees, and uncovers our ignorance of other species.
Overall comment was that we had "never thought of trees this way". The book elicited some strong emotions from some of our group, with comments like "it made me feel sad about living in a city now' and "I don't think I can ever look at trees the same way again". Even those who didn't like the book as much noted that the writer speaks in an 'enthusiastic' way, and his enthusiasm comes through so the book is not "preachy" at all.
Interesting but too detailed. Most thought it was a good book to own and delve into every so often, but not a good read in one go. Too many interesting facts to digest over a short period of time.
Interesting and well written, but several members thought that somehow it didn't strike the right balance - neither serious scientific writing nor easy reading. Quite repetitive.
All members enjoyed, and were amazed by this book. "No tree walk will be the same again after this reading".
We liked the message but disliked the style of delivery - some loved it, while others disliked it and didn't finish. Great book club book - resulted in discussion about science, anthropomorphism, interbeing, and primordial fear of forests.
Overall people felt there were too many details and too much information although we also felt we learned things we had not known before. Some of us found the anthropomorphizing a step too far. The differing experiences of the book led to interesting discussions.
While most of our group read some of the book, only 2 finished the book. Some of us felt that some diagrammatic representation and/or photos might have helped illustrate points made. The anthropomorphism was a bit much for most of us. I
Several found it just too much information despite the amazing research, and some didn't finish it. We all have gained a greater appreciation of the whole system and how trees connect, warn others, and how everything is connected. Ratings varied from 1-4.
The group discussed the author's way of attributing human qualities to trees and mostly agreed that while it made understanding the concept easier, they did not agree that trees could have these qualities such as love. One member of our group suggested that the book is most useful to keep on the bookcase as a reference.
This book makes one look at trees from a whole new perspective! A wonderful read, full of interesting facts and told in such a way that it was absorbing and very informative. Not a quick read - best to devour one chapter at a time, with breaks in between! Loved by all.
Many found the anthropomorphism a bit too over the top, but we all agreed it gave us a new appreciation of trees.
Most people really enjoyed the book. Two didn't like the 'humanising' side of it.
Not an easy read - a lot to absorb. Interesting ideas created a lot of good discussion.
Interesting, different and thought-provoking
With one exception, we found this book most interesting. To learn about the way trees live their lives, so much slower and older than ourselves, helps us understand and look after them better. We were not so keen on the anthropomorphic style, but liked the ecological view (the interdependence of living things and their environment). Really good discussion.
Everyone loved the book. We all found it an easy read - the style and the anthropomorphising made it very easy to read. We all felt a new understanding of trees, and plants in general, and to realise that they live in a community with each other was a revelation.
If I knew then what I learnt from this book, no doubt I would have been nicer to my trees before I had them trimmed! Although none of the group are great gardeners now, we all in our time have had gardens and taken care of trees in them. This book however gave us a great deal of thought about how we have treated trees in the past and how, if we are to reduce or minimise climate change, we need to treat the trees in the future. It is a well-written scientific book aimed at "Joe Public".