I Shall Not Hate [NF]

Abuelaish, Izzeldin

  12 Reviews

On the strip of land he calls home, where 1.5 million Gazan refugees are crammed into a few square miles, Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish has been crossing the lines in the sand that divide Israelis and Palestinians for most of his life - as a physician who treats patients on both sides, and as a humanitarian who sees improved health and education for women as the way forward in the Middle East. And, most recently, as the father of three daughters who were killed by IDF shells on 16 January 2009 during Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip.

It was Dr Abuelaish's response to this tragedy that made news and won him humanitarian awards around the world. Instead of seeking revenge or sinking into hatred, he called for the people in the region to start talking to each other. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be 'the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestianians and Israelis'.

Comments from Groups

A lively discussion. Several members had visited Israel. Everyone appalled at the living conditions of the Palestinians and felt the author is over optimistic about Israel / Palestine relations. Christchurch 176

People found this book a gripping read. Not particularly well written but getting the author's message across loud and clear. Dunedin 007

Great read. Great insight into the politics and conflict of Gaza strip. Inspirational man. Much to teach the world and taught us all about forgiveness and how one person can make a difference to world peace. Auckland 280

Inspirational. Most of the group felt they were more aware of the conflict between Palestine and Israel after reading the book. Tauranga 023

This was an excellent account which generated lots of discussion about both sides of the conflict. We felt that women in Muslim countries must be given more freedom and access to education, and then perhaps they can influence change. Pahiatua 003

An amazing book. We were full of admiration for Izzeldin's outlook on life, and there was much discussion on this, and on how he and his children were able to gain such good education despite their living conditions. And we think people have it tough in NZ! Putaruru 001

A depressing, but at the same time uplifting story which gave us a clear insight into a situation that is usually presented in a biased way by one side or the other. And a wonderful example of how the human spirit can refuse to be crushed. Motueka 001



Most of the group were in awe of the author. Some thought that he was unrealistic about ways of solving the Israel/Palestine dilemma but still admired his positive and hopeful approach. We thought that "Mornings in Jenin" was a better book about the Palestinians' plight.
A very timely book this month, which gave us some background to life in the Gaza strip. It made for some very thought provoking discussion.
Hugely interesting and informative to all. Not so impressed by style of writing, but what a wonderful man the author is.
A fantastic read - a couple of members are going to buy their own copy.
ROTO 006
We all thought this was a fantastic book - a real eye opener. None of us knew much about the Gaza strip - all in all it was a massive learning read.
CHCH 257
A great discussion about a wonderful man who believes peace is possible by talking together. An inspirational story which provides insight into Palestinian life.
Well-written and gripping, in a frightening way.
All found parts of this moving, disturbing, challenging and inspirational, but it left us with questions as to whether there will ever be a solution. Parts were a little repetitive, but certainly his determination to work for peace and understanding was admirable.
An interesting discussion had about the Palestinian/Israeli situation with some more in sympathy with the Jewish side. A very good account of life in Gaza, and his everyday difficulties. Some thought that although it was semi autobiographical, it didn't really express his personal feelings.
We all found this very compelling reading, and were appalled by the conditions in the Gaza Strip and the refugee lives - not much humanity shown by the Israeli border guards. We had a very intense and interesting discussion, and we were all in awe of the author and his ability to rise above all the hurt of his situation, and to push for peaceful solutions.
Amazing man. Very informative and tragic.
CHCH 393
Absorbing, challenging and enlightening. A must read into the Arab/Israeli conflict.