I'll Let Myself In

Diviney, Hannah

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Hannah Diviney has always known that her experience of the world was fundamentally different from those around her. While her friends went to soccer and dance and Little Athletics, Hannah was going to physio and doctors' appointments. While her friends got jobs, fell in love and went clubbing, Hannah surrounded herself with the fantastical worlds she found in books. But books featuring people like her were nowhere to be found.

Refusing to accept the narratives, or lack thereof, that she'd been given, Hannah was determined to forge her own path in a world that wasn't designed for her, and to be the representation she'd always wanted to see.

Both deeply personal and yet utterly relatable, I'll Let Myself In is a young woman's battle-cry over the voices who try to tell her who she can and can't be, and a reminder not to wait to be invited to the table but to break the door down and demand to be heard.

Allen and Unwin. Taken from book blurb.

Comments from BDS Reviewers

"This book is an easy read, but don't mistake that for flimsy. It is also very informative, and singularly well written for such a young writer."

"Honest, direct, confronting and inspiring."

"Full of humour and funny little comments, which are perfect to break up the serious topics discussed."

"Filled with extremely personal details, which makes it relatable for the reader - no matter the age."

"An inspirational voice for those who often may not be heard."

"I think it would be a real eye-opener for our book group. Ideas and attitudes will be challenged."

"Diviney wants to lead a change in the view of disabled people and positively describes herself as mouthy, sarcastic, unfiltered and happy to speak the truth."

"There are several triggering topics in this book (sexual assault, drug addiction, discimination, mental illness) but there is a trigger warnings list for each chapter at the back of the book."



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