Last Train to Zona Verde, The
Theroux, PaulTake one large continent. Start at the bottom, head up the left hand side. Observe closely the people and places you come across. Express your very definite opinions for others to ponder; such is the case in this African odyssey from veteran travel writer Paul Theroux. Setting forth from South Africa, he wends his way north sampling Namibia and Botswana on the way before reaching his final destination, Angola.
From slum dwelling to safari tourism, this story combines the exciting details of a travelogue with thoughtful commentary on contemporary Africa.
Comments from Groups
Most of us have read all of Paul Theroux's travel books, but the discomfort of this one made it a challenge and a distressing read. But as it is all backed up with history, literary references and facts, and in view of the many times and places he has lived/travelled in Africa, we give it a very high rating. The state that Angolan citizens have been reduced to in a country awash with oil, gold and diamonds beggars belief. We can only hope this book arouses international condemnation of the corrupt leadership of this tragic country. Thanks for including it in the catalogue. Auckland 020 Well written but very bleak. We learned a lot about poverty and corrupt governments in countries with rich resources. Excellent notes. Christchurch 084 Everyone found the book depressing and heavy going. It stimulated discussion on donations to overseas causes; the reach of the Chinese; and the timing of any culture which continually changes when revisited over periods of years. Those in our group who have lived in Africa felt the book was biased to the writer's perspective. Many Africans also are happy people who experience life's events as we do..... Cooks Beach 001 Some members found this account of the present state and history of some African states to be an eye opener. A considered and thought-provoking discussion. Nelson 062 Our group ALL recommend this book. We found the subject matter very interesting, and once begun the book was hard to put down.It is essentially a debate, an honest one, of the author revisiting (and also visiting for the first time) parts of Africa which would be thought 'dicey' for most tourists. The questions were very clear, and led to a lively discussion about assumptions, political correctness and aid to third world countries. An excellent read. Gover 001
The book is beautifully written, but most found it very depressing to read about the situation in the African countries he visited.