Let There Be Water

Siegel, Seth M

  11 Reviews

It's official - global water shortages are looming. Necessity being the mother of invention has meant that Israel, with 60% of its land in desert, is in the perfect position to lead the way in how to transform water scarcity into water abundance with its use of cutting-edge technology, conservation and promotion of a water-sensitive culture. Not only does this well-researched report document the people and solutions involved in this success, but also reveals the potential of water systems collaboration to promote diplomacy.

An informative, enthusiastic and inspiring account of Israel's rise to a water superpower, and what their blueprint offers a thirsty world.



NELS 048
This book is extremely topical and interesting in the current situation (political) in Israel, and with the global water situation.
TAUR 009
In spite of the notes saying 'Let There be Water' is not for everyone, at least half the group did read it and found it extremely interesting leading to a lot of good discussion - even husbands had read it.
CHCH 058
In general, the group found the many facts about saving water very informative, and this led to discussion about water in N.Z. However two members found the book too difficult, and most agreed that the excessive detail detracted from the enjoyment.
MAST 004
A must read at this time of 'Three Waters'. A first for our group - 10/10.
CHCH 085
Majority of members really enjoyed the book and it led to an in depth discussion. We agreed we skipped over parts, and thought the summary of chapter 12 very relevant. A book most would not have picked up from the library. All valued being reminded of the value of water in NZ; and in awe of what Israel has achieved over many years to manage their water and share that info worldwide. The sort of book we enjoy, leading to excellent discussion.
RICH 004
Mixed reception and a wide range of views. Some read only one chapter and others enjoyed the whole book. Good discussion though.
GORE 001
We all decided that this is a very valuable book - it should be a compulsory text for all councillors and politicians. We also agreed that we are very careless with this precious resource. A must read for everyone, and an easy read.
Sadly, only 3 people plus a husband read! But those who did found the information accessible and informative. Very relevant to New Zealand (Auckland). Plenty to think about.
Most of our group enjoyed it more than they expected to, and 60% probably skim read it, but all got a lot from it, and admired the expertise of the Israelis and their use of water.
TAUR 005
An interesting, informative and thought-provoking book. An excellent read. We found the opening statement of the book comments disappointing as we so enjoyed the detail and enthusiasm of this book.
TAUR 043
Most found the book a wonderful resource about how to look after the water, a valuable resource. Amazing transformation of Israel's landscape due to knowledge, education, research and hard work. A couple of people could not bear to read it, found it 'propaganda'. But most thought the world could learn a lot from what Israel has achieved.