Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil [NF]

Berendt, John

  9 Reviews

Literary non-fiction comparable to another true crime story: Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. Berendt, an unknown journalist from New York, befriends the enigmatic, southern gentleman, Jim Williams. The author leads us into Savannah's culture and people, interweaving the experience with a crime of passion. [Small font]

Comments from Groups

There were varying reactions to this book, which always makes for good discussion. Some thoroughly enjoyed it, whilst others couldn't quite see why it had been described as a 'phenomenon' and was such a success. Having enjoyed his 'City of Fallen Angels', some were disappointed. The notes were very good, and we agreed with the writer that it was a cultural taste issue. We also discussed the role of journalists in society, and the fine and sometimes arbitrary line between fiction and non-fiction. Coromandel 002

We all enjoyed 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil'. His writing of the people involved was so clear and concise that it almost seemed that they were ready to walk out of the page and carry on with their lives, alongside us...Tauranga 005

Half of us loved "the gossipy nature" of it, and half of us didn't like it at all! Dunedin 061

Most of us found this an excellent read. We loved the quirky characters and the descriptions of life in Savannah, although we did find the trial rather drawn out... Rotorua 006

We all enjoyed this book. The scene setting of the first half of the book was quite delightful in its observations of Savannah and its inhabitants. We thought the writer talented, and listening to him interviewed recently - modest about what he had achieved. We look forward to reading his recent book, set in Venice. Wellington 071

Some found it interesting, fun, quirky and a great read; others found it hard to read, muddled and boring. Christchurch 220

We all loved this book, and had a lively discussion on our favourite characters, and 'faction' as a genre. Coatsville 001



AUCK 210
One of our members has been to Savannah, and visited Jim William's home - she chose this book. A great choice... the author's descriptions are evocative and help create Savannah's allure.
A riveting read. Our 90 year old said that no other book has aroused so many different emotions!!
We were mixed about the book. Some of us loved the people and some thought it shallow. We had a great discussion. A very good read.
AUCK 116
The group enjoyed the book. The highlight being the larger than life characters.
Everyone enjoyed this book; made all the more interesting since it was non-fiction - an eccentric lot of people indeed!
Most enjoyed the book, though some members reading it again didn't enjoy it so much on the second reading.
TAUP 006
Our group enjoyed this book and thought it a good read.
Only 2 out of 10 read the book - partly the print size but others thought it tedious, dated and a bit too graphic. The themes were picked up by those who persevered.
Many of our group had read this book before, but were happy to do so again. Everyone enjoyed it!