Last Thing to Burn, The
Dean, WillIn a cottage in a corner of an English field, Lenn and Jane unhappily co-exist. Jane wasn't always called Jane, and this isn't the life she was seeking. But now, seven years down the track, Jane has even more to lose and all she needs is a moment's inattention from her husband ... her jailer ... her owner.
A dark and harrowing contemporary tale of human trafficking, this is a story of courage and resilience and the sweet possibility of revenge.
A mixed response from our group, with many finding the ending to be a bit rushed after a slow middle of the book.
A compelling read and well-written, with short chapters which draw the reader to read on, no matter how uncomfortable and disturbed by the events. Led to discussion on human trafficking and exploitation both of adults and children; religious persecution through the ages - the list goes on. We even spent time on Donald Trump!
Very enjoyable.
Gripping - yet horrifying.
Everyone read this sometimes harrowing book. We had an interesting discussion on human trafficking and the characters in the book.
We all liked this book. The backstory was not well fleshed out and the ending was a bit too pat. But overall, a good read and a good discussion.
Our group was very divided over this book. A third really enjoyed it and found it compulsive reading. A third found the cruelty too ghastly, and a third wouldn't read it.
Gripping! It was a haunting and intense read! The resilience of the main character was truly inspiring.
Grim subject but the book was enjoyed by most.
Some of our group found this topic difficult to read about. Others, while horrifyingly real, found it a thriller that became a page turner. We all wanted to read that the main character eventually escaped! Most enjoyed this book, and while exploitation is a difficult topic, it does occur, even in New Zealand.
Although our members found this a difficult read because of the horror and cruelty, all who read it (all but one) found it gripping and very hard to put down. A psychological thriller, this book could also fit into the horror genre. Although the situation was extreme, and perhaps strained credulity at times, the topic (human trafficking) was an important one, and such evil manipulation and abuse does occur. Will Dean brings it to our attention, taking a pro-woman, compassionate approach. The ending provides a satisfying conclusion and resolution, cleverly linking back to the title.
Horrific story to read but very believable, was an easy and quick read. Couldn't put it down however some of our group said that is because they wanted it to end. The twist at the end had you on your seat to the last page.
This book was considered important and valid. Author used the book as a platform to convey a hard truth about society, BUT it was grim. It was well-written, and prompted a discussion on human trafficking and domestic violence. Some enjoyed the book because of the enlightenment and writing.
No one wanted to read this book but as soon as they'd started it they couldn't put it down. A lot of discussion about modern day slavery/domestic violence. Beautifully captured the landscape. Excellent, spare writing. An "easy" read, but not easeful.
One of the most captivating books we have read! Can't say we loved it because the situation was awful, but most of us could not put it down. The record was 2 days for the first person to finish it.
Great ending but it was hard to get there!! Is this really a contemporary tale - hard to think it is still going on.
Not everyone could cope with this subject matter, but those that did loved this book. Great pacing, a palpable sense of tension and imminent danger - and great relief at the ending!
Awful, but had to read! Many read in one sitting.