Sea of Tranquility

Mandel, Emily St John

  8 Reviews

In 2401, Gaspery-Jacques Roberts, a detective from the Time Institute is tasked with investigating an unexpected phenomenon experienced by a handful of people, reaching back to 1912. From a forest in British Columbia to an airship terminal in Oklahoma City centuries later, there is a mystery to be solved - an anomaly in time.

Clever, elegant and rich with metaphysical speculation, this is a compelling story of our world, past, present and future, of human nature, pandemics, moon colonies and front and centre, the nature of time.

This title is also offered as part of the Narrative Muse Book Club. View this title on the Narrative Muse website



WELL 189
This is the sci-fi book to read if you are not into sci-fi! An interesting book that generated a lot of discussion - we enjoyed how the many different strands of the story came together and interacted in an intriguing way - very clever plot to keep all those separate strands in line. Some of the 'normality' aspects of the "future colonies' were quite clever, and got us thinking about how/what we value as a human society. Also had some good discussions about whether we have really learned from the Covid pandemic!
TAUR 016
This book provoked a lot of discussion but generally most thought there were too many layers and characters. The concept of a time travel anomaly was thought provoking, but also complex.
Our book club was unanimous in enjoying this book - beautifully written and a great story.
TAUR 061
It was clear few of us were comfortable reading this particular genre, however most persevered and acknowledged St John Mandel used time to draw us in as readers. The narrative was cleverly constructed with each time period showing us that chaos is a part of life. Good to be reassured that sometimes it is essential for us to be just be - Edgar embraced it and Gaspery comes to understand it. Reassuring for us all.
TAKA 004
We found the book engrossing. Some found it deserved a 3 star rating while others thought it was worth 4 stars. We talked a great deal about it and enjoyed that!
AUCK 385
Mixed reviews for this one. We all read Station Eleven which was generally well liked, but 'Sea of Tranquillity' lacked something. The premise was good but could have been developed further. We were all a little upset that sexism was still prevalent 300 years into the future. One member had read 'The Glass Hotel' and described how the books linked together which may have given it more depth...
STEW 001
Great characterisation, imaginative storyline and original use of words. Variation in chapter length and style was appreciated.
A lot didn't finish the book - great surprise ending! Opened up discussions around space exploration, and the amount of money wasted on Mars travel!