Spirit Level, The

Wilkinson, Richard and Pickett

  10 Reviews

Rates of teenage pregnancy, mistrust of neighbours and the size of waistlines all have one thing in common: they are affected by how equal a society is.

In this renowned book, the English epidemiologist authors draw together recent research to provide understanding of how income inequality is deleterious to everyone, including the wealthy. New Zealand with its increasing income disparity is frequently cited, but along with the litany of woes associated with inequality are suggested positive solutions.

A new chapter written in response to controversy generated by the book's analysis, rounds off discussion that convincingly addresses the aptly named sub-title "why equality is better for everyone." A thought-provoking and socially responsible read. [Small font]

Comments from Groups

This book is well worth the time and thought required, to gain an understanding of the author's extensive research into the problem of inequality and its consequences in our country, and the world. The graphs and statistics provide most interesting comparisons between ourselves and other societies. Good to see we are high in the innovative stakes. Much to discuss and ponder. Coromandel 002

Great book. Really good discussion. One or two found it not an easy read (very dense) but those of us who read it found it worthwhile. Christchurch 095

A very interesting book - lots to think and talk about. Alexandra 004

Hard work, but very rewarding - it should be required reading for all politicians. Nelson 002

Generated the best and lengthiest discussion of any book so far! Masterton 004

Excellent discussion. We were all devastated that NZ had such a high rating on equality. Timaru 007

Not all finished this book, but those who did really enjoyed it .Best discussion of the year! Wellington 185



PICT 005
The problem of inequality was highlighted, and made us more aware.
HAST 006
Some found it hard going, but it generated a fantastic discussion and raised many questions. Glad we read it.
AUCK 307
Because of the highly academic nature of the book few people persisted with it. The one person that completed it was very complimentary, and in fact considered that the findings had a profound effect on her. We had a great discussion on the subject, particularly those of us interested in politics and policy.
AUCK 143
Not a popular choice although we were shocked about the poor showing that New Zealand had on so many fronts.
NAP 026
We all enjoyed and felt reassured and positive about the message. The idea that effort to change the system and reduce the inequality gap will, over time, help sort out all the other problems. Spirited and excellent discussion around what we can do as well.
PICT 005
We all agreed with the overall philosophy and the need for greater equality, but we found the writing repetitious, at times uneven and in need of further editing.
Our group found this book very thought-provoking. It was a difficult read at times, but the concepts very relevant to today's economic and political situation. Some of us found the way it was written quite intense and felt the points could have been explained in a simpler manner. All in all a book everyone should read.
RICH 010
Despite agreeing with the premise of the book, I think we all struggled with the overwhelming amounts of data; and although there was much food for thought, and we were wholly convinced that greater equality would be a good thing, I actually had to school myself to read 20 pages a day, and other members of the group did not manage to finish it at all.
TAKA 001
Several people did not read it as it did not appeal. The ones who read it liked it overall, and the discussion re the inequality in NZ was very interesting and sobering.
A book to read in small portions rather than from cover to cover. Raised some interesting topics but not a favourite amongst our group.