Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Seven Days of Us
Hornak, Francesca
Sixty Seconds
Blackadder, Jesse
Power, The
Alderman, Naomi
Music Shop, The
Joyce, Rachel
Days are Like Grass
Younger, Sue
Backman, Fredrik
Antipodeans, The
McGee, Greg
Ice, The
Paull, Laline
Home Fire
Shamsie, Kamila
Born a Crime
Noah, Trevor
See What I Have Done
Schmidt, Sarah
Earth Cries Out, The
Etherington, Bonnie
Billy Bird
Neale, Emma
Days Without End
Barry, Sebastian
Wish Child, The
Chidgey, Catherine
Shafak, Elif
Dark Circle, The
Grant, Linda
Mend the Living
De Kerangal, Maylis
My Name is Leon
De Waal, Kit