Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Rat Island
Stolzenburg, William
Our Souls at Night
Haruf, Kent
Tears of Dark Water
Addison, Corban
After Such Kindness
Arnold, Gaynor
Nelly Dean
Case, Alison
We Never Asked for Wings
Diffenbaugh, Vanessa
Do No Harm
Marsh, Henry
Dear Vincent
Hager, Mandy
After the Crash
Bussi, Michel
Headscarves and Hymens
Eltahawy, Mona
End of Plenty, The
Bourne, Joel K.
Song Collector, The
Solomons, Natasha
President's Hat, The
Laurain, Antoine
Grace, Patricia
Wolf Border, The
Hall, Sarah
God Help The Child
Morrison, Toni
Remedy, The
Goetz, Thomas
Axeman's Jazz, The
Celestin, Ray
Not Forgetting The Whale
Ironmonger, John
Door, The
Szabo, Magda
Orhan's Inheritance
Ohanesian, Aline
Pearlman, Edith
How To Fly A Horse
Ashton, Kevin
Being Mortal
Gawande, Atul
Good Doctor, The
O'Sullivan, Lance
Just Mercy
Stevenson, Bryan