Our Catalogue

​Browse our extensive catalogue of fiction and non‑fiction titles.

Long Song, The
Levy, Andrea
Her Fearful Symmetry
Niffenegger, Audrey
Cellist of Sarajevo, The
Galloway, Steven
Tricking of Freya, The
Sunley, Christina
Shadow of the Wind, The
Zafon, Carlos Ruiz
Invisible Mountain, The
De Robertis, Carolina
Remarkable Creatures
Chevalier, Tracy
Someone Knows My Name
Hill, Lawrence
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Foer, Jonathan Safran
Lacuna, The
Kingsolver, Barbara
McCann, Colum
Wuthering Heights
Bronte, Emily
Winter in Madrid
Sansom, CJ
Wide Sargasso Sea
Rhys, Jean
White Tiger, The
Adiga, Aravind
What is the What
Eggers, David